


The server has seven ranks, each of which can be bought with in game money:

Explorer >> Resident >> Citizen >> Lord >> Master >> Legend >> Titan

In addition to ranks some players have a tag after their name:

[V] - The player has donated to the server and is a VIP.
[D] - Part of the DiggyCrew, the player is trusted to assist other players. 
[D] - A core DiggyCrew member, with full staff level privileges.

Below are details of each rank, what they cost, and what perks you'll receive.

Note: each rank also unlocks commands, details can be found on the "Commands" page.


Cost:   $0 (this is the rank that all players start at)
Land protection:300 blocks, increasing by 100 blocks per hour (5000 max).
Other Perks:Use & create [Mail], [Balance], [Disposal] & [Trade] signs.

Use the server /shop to buy and sell items/blocks.                       

Set 2 homes. Claim the "DailyBasic" kit every day.

Cost:   $2,000
Land protection:+1000 bonus claim blocks (does not count towards 5000 limit).
Other Perks:Use the player auction house. Format & colour chat messages.

Buy /fly time in the admin shop at spawn. Use /jobs to earn more.

Capture passive mobs (animals & villagers) by throwing Eggs.

New commands (see here): /mail send, /nick & /sell.

Set 4 homes. Claim the "DailyBasic" kit every day.

Also receive 1000 exp, 2 x Common Loot Crate keys, 2 x Uncommon Loot Crate keys and other awesome goodies when you claim the "ResidentRankup" kit!


Cost:   $8,000
Land protection:+2000 bonus claim blocks (does not count towards 5000 limit).
Other Perks:Place lava inside your land claims. McMMO: exp +10%. 

Collect/place mob spawners (main world only) using Silk Touch.

Create & rename your own public warps (see here). 

Create up to 8 Shop Chests (see here). 

Store items using the /vault command (52 slots).

New commands (see here): /book, /workbench, /ss change, /shops.

Set 6 homes. Claim the "DailyBasic" kit every day.

Also receive 2000 exp, 4 x Common Loot Crate keys, 4 x Uncommon Loot Crate keys and other awesome goodies when you claim the "CitizenRankup" kit!


Cost:   $20,000
Land protection:+3000 bonus claim blocks (does not count towards 5000 limit).
Other Perks:McMMO: cooldowns -25% & activation time -4 seconds.

Keep experience when you die. 40% warp creation discount. 

Create up to 12 Shop Chests (see here). 

New commands (see here): /skull & /enderchest.

Set 8 homes. Claim the "DailyExtra" kit every day.

Also receive 3000 exp, 2 x Uncommon Loot Crate keys, 2 x Rare Loot Crate keys and other awesome goodies when you claim the "LordRankup" kit!


Cost:   $80,000
Land protection:+4000 bonus claim blocks (does not count towards 5000 limit).
Other Perks:McMMO: cooldowns -33% & activation time -8 seconds.

Create up to 16 Shop Chests (see here). 

Use color codes and formatting (italic, bold etc) on signs. 

Double page storage for /vault (104 slots).

New commands (see here): /firework & /spawnmob.

Set 10 homes. Claim the "DailyExtra" kit every day.

Also receive 4000 exp, 4 x Uncommon Loot Crate keys, 4 x Rare Loot Crate keys and other awesome goodies when you claim the "MasterRankup" kit!


Cost:   $200,000
Land protection:+5000 bonus claim blocks (does not count towards 5000 limit).
Other Perks:McMMO: exp +50%.

Join even if the server is full! 60% warp creation discount. 

Create up to 24 Shop Chests (see here). 

New commands (see here): /feed & /enchant.

Set 12 homes. Claim the "DailyPremium" kit every day.

Also receive 5000 exp, 2 x Rare Loot Crate keys, 2 x Legendary Loot Crate keys and other awesome goodies when you claim the "LegendRankup" kit!


Cost:   $800,000
Land protection:+6000 bonus claim blocks (does not count towards 5000 limit).
Other Perks:McMMO: cooldowns -50% & activation time -12 seconds.

Create up to 32 Shop Chests (see here). 

Triple page storage for /vault (156 slots).

New commands (see here): /fix, /fireball & /smite.

Set 12 homes. Claim the "DailyPremium" kit every day.

Also receive 6000 exp, 4 x Rare Loot Crate keys, 4 x Legendary Loot Crate keys and other awesome goodies when you claim the "TitanRankup" kit!